This Christmas!!!


This Christmas I wish a revelation of God’s love would overtake the world. His love is perfect and it casts out all fear.
This Christmas I wish that God’s peace would flood our nations. I pray that it will penetrate every broken heart and confused mind.
This Christmas I wish that bereaved families everywhere can experience God’s endless grace, healing, and strength for their journey.
This Christmas I wish that someone would really see the Christ in Christmas and celebrate his birth not just material gain.
This Christmas I wish that broken marriages and broken families would be restored. I pray that they’d release, let go, and let God fix it.
This Christmas I wish that you’d know beyond a doubt that you are loved, amazing, intelligent, and the world needs you to share love and promote peace.
This Christmas I wish you blissful joy, a delightful feast and fun times with your family and friends. Take a break from bad news, social media and make memories with your loves.
These are just some of my Christmas wishes. What are some of yours?

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